This is me!

who says mud is a bad thing???

Born and raised in South Africa, immigrated to the US at 19, started traveling after Uni in 2000! Taught English in Korea, went for 11mths and stayed for 3yrs. Have been to 23 countries at last count and still have the itchy feet. Have had to come to terms with the fact that I am not a “normal” 30 something that wants to settle down, but rather have an intense love of culture and nature, and travel is the best way to enjoy that. So am breaking out of the mold and spending a year or more on the road. Hope you will join me in my preparations and adventures.

Well I returned from my year abroad and loved most of it, there were definately highs and lows. My country count moved upto 30. I learnt many things about the world, about myself and about people in general.
My list of crazy things grew to include:
– Living in the Amazon at a wildlife refuge for 2mths
– Cusco and Machu Picchu
– Living in the South Pacific on Tonga for a month
– Shaving my head for charity in Aus
– Paragliding in NZ
– Scuba diving in Borneo
– Bathing with an elephant in Chitwan NP in Nepal
– Meeting my boyfriend in Kathmandu

All in all a good year, even with the bumps. Now I am back in Oregon working as a vet nurse for a mobile clinic and planning my future adventures.

Updated Update

Who would have thunk it… I started this trip with the small hope of maybe finding a partner in crime to share my life, leaning towards an Aussie or Kiwi. Then a twist of fate after a volunteer position fell through led me to Kathmandu, Nepal. Here I met the man I am now engaged to, he is a bartender on cruise ships and was home for his 3mth vacation. It all started when his friend offered him up to take me to Monkey Temple. Now my plans include getting a job on the ship with him and the adventures continue…

Latest Update – Sept 2012

Well, the man I loved turned out not to be the man I thought he was when his girlfriend essentially broke up with me on skype. So after having quit my vet nurse job in preparation to leave with him next month I am faced with no other choice but to travel. Guess there is always a silver lining. So off we go to Korea and Thailand on Oct 1st, not to wallow in self pity but to do my PADI scuba DiveMaster!

Start of 2013

With the New Year I have returned to Oregon a certified PADI divemaster, opening up countless doors for me. I will also be starting my job as an English Hostess on the MSC Lirica at the end of March. Am very excited as the countries include Greece and Turkey. I plan to travel after my 7mth contract.

So life handed me a rather big lemon, and I made a margarita to enjoy while sitting in a hammock on a tropical island and new adventures round the corner.

Ending 2013

The last 6mths I have worked on the MSC Lirica as the English hostess. I have traveled to amazing places (Greece, Ukraine, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, Israel) and met even more amazing friends. With a 3 week vacation I have another contract coming up soon, this time I will be doing the transatlantic from Venice to Miami and spending the winter in the Caribbean, then sail down to Rio and fly home again.

Update July 2014

Only 3 weeks till my 37th birthday…. can’t believe it! I don’t feel 37, but if you add the 3 and the 7 you get 10… yup that’s more like it.
I spent the past 7.5 mths in the Caribbean. Flew to Venice did a week there where I got to enjoy Dubrovnik, Croatia, amazing country would love to go back. Then trans-atlantic to Miami, 6.5 mths there in the islands, then crossing to Brazil for a charter for the world cup. I flew home from Rio. Amazing friends were made, contract felt a lot harder and more stressful, but am still up for another.
Am home now for 3-4mths and will be visiting a mate in Norway in 2 mths.
Adventure is out there!!!

Update June 2015

After completing my 3rd contract on the MSC Fantasia in the Med, I headed home for a month and a half. A few months ago a friend from the island in Thailand offered me the opportunity to work and do my Dive instructor… a childhood dream potentially coming true??? Incredible!!! Presently exploring Slovenia with a friend from my first contract and then off to the island, Koh Phangan!!! Life leads me on fantastically crazy paths, all I can do is follow!!

Update July 2015

Just 2 weeks shy of my 38th birthday I passed the Instructor Exam and am now officially a teaching status PADI Dive Instructor!!!!

Update March 2016

End of April I shall be returning to ship life on the MSC Opera in the North Baltic. Super excited to explore these incredible countries and add them to my list….

Update October 2016

Well who would have thought… this year turned out to be the year I met my guy. Literally walked into “his” bar type thing…. Am happy to announce I am engaged to a wonderful man from Macedonia.. now comes the fun part of visas and weddings and hopefully a family…

Update April 2018

Big apologies for being off grid for a year and I half but getting married seems to have me rather distracted… However, we have a big trip coming up in May, driving around the Balkan countries surrounding Macedonia, so hopefully things will start to get updated. See you all soon!!!!


23 responses to “This is me!

  1. Jenny

    March 8, 2011 at 4:32 am

    Hi there,
    this is Jenny, Amazoonico’s former vet. I am now working in Indonesia, but found your blog while googling tamarin. What a sad story!
    Say hi to Pascal, Alejandra, Toki and Jasmin if she is still there (if you are still there too)
    from Jenny.

  2. Kate `magic driver` Patterson

    September 25, 2011 at 8:20 am

    Loves Loves Loves the Blog!! Hope your having fun on the rest of your adventures 🙂

  3. Rajendra Sapkota (Raj)

    December 10, 2011 at 9:07 am

    lovely Blog! you seems had lots of fun during yr adventure tour n visit:)

  4. fizzyfizah

    December 19, 2011 at 12:03 am

    Hi! I ‘stumbled’ upon your blog whilst hopping around random posts in WordPress. Thought I’d drop you a note to say I’ve enjoyed your writings and will continue to follow you on your adventures 🙂 Keep living the life!


    • trailingtrekker

      June 27, 2012 at 4:27 pm

      Hey Fizzyfizah
      Thanks so much! The dream was lived and it continues this time with a fiance in tow.

  5. Jackie

    September 24, 2012 at 5:15 pm

    Hello! 🙂
    Haven’t seen you since we both left SCAH! Glad to see you’ve still got the travel bug. Its one bug I hope we never get rid of. 😉 You know, I still owe you some sam-gap-sal!!! You happen to be hitting the east coast on your journey? Let me know 🙂

    • trailingtrekker

      September 24, 2012 at 8:57 pm

      So good to hear from you! Hope you are well! I will definitely take you up on your offer of the east coast if I ever make it there.

  6. Emma Nichols

    April 26, 2013 at 9:33 am

    I’m so excited about your cruise ship adventures 🙂 Keep writing, I love living vicariously through you from windy Wellington! You’re always welcome to visit any time 😉 Hope you’re doing well 🙂 xoxox Emma.

    • trailingtrekker

      May 14, 2013 at 9:47 am

      Hi there Em
      Things are great, hectic but good, occasional drama queens but you know how that goes in a confined location. I am always happy to visit you in Welly, loved it there!!

      • Annie van Eijk

        May 11, 2017 at 8:38 am

        Hi there Trekker. I was hoping you would get into contact with me. I am about to go on my first contract for the cruise ships, and well I have many questions. Lol. Would u mind to pop me an email, I will give you some background and it would be super kind if you can answer a few questions. You can even find me on Facebook if you prefer. Take care!

      • trailingtrekker

        April 7, 2018 at 6:52 am

        Hi Annie I am so sorry but I never got this message. I realise this was a year ago, it was right as I was back on the ship and we didn’t have good wifi so missed some of the messages. I hope you had a good contract and you can still message me if you had questions.

  7. Aneita Grogan

    May 23, 2013 at 2:57 am

    Hi Kathy
    Just checking in on our favorite cat-sitter’s adventures. Sad news – we lost Newt in November to kidney failure = ( Happy news – we are now the “parents” to Baxter (tuxedo) and Abby (grey shorthair). They are absolute loves!! Hope you can come and meet them if your travels ever bring you back through Eugene.
    Take Care,

    • trailingtrekker

      June 14, 2013 at 10:13 am

      Hi there
      Am so sorry to hear about Newton, he certainly was a character. I can’t wait to meet Baxter and Abbey, will let you know when I get back, maybe october.

  8. caroline ann

    January 13, 2014 at 2:44 pm

    can I have your email address to ask you a few things about the social hostess job? cause MSC offered me the same position but I don’t know if I should accept it. thanks

  9. Emer

    September 21, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    Hi, really enjoy reading your blog Would it be possible to email you offline about Nepal and Kathmandu? I would really appreciate it. I have been there twice but would like some advice about a similar siuation to yours.

    Many thanks,

  10. Raglan

    April 3, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    How is that ankle? Are you still hobbling? It was good to meet you and thanks for the company. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your contract. Happy Easter. Raglan

    • trailingtrekker

      April 5, 2015 at 9:13 am

      Hi Raglan, it was so fantastic meeting you and your dad. I will email you soon, getting ready to start packing and sorting. Ankle is much better just wish it was completely better. Take care and Happy Easter!!!

  11. Raglan

    April 5, 2015 at 12:09 pm

    Happy sorting! I have to say that it is Easter weekend and although there has been a little sun it is **** freezing! I dooo feel the cold – guess it is too many years living in hot climes. I am soooooo looking forwards to the summer and sweating – sorry – glowing:)) Take care- Raglan

    • trailingtrekker

      April 13, 2015 at 9:26 am

      Hahahaha I hear ya! I am really looking forward to Thailand and especially big thunderstorms that only a tropical climate can provide. Take Care!!

  12. Raglan

    April 13, 2015 at 9:50 am

    Oh for those wonderful thunder storms. I have enjoyed one in years. In fact I can remember a time when I really missed them. I may even see the odd one in the summer when I go away.
    How are you getting on with the possession reduction?????
    Cheers Raglan

  13. Jason

    July 9, 2016 at 5:19 am

    I had hoped to find a way to message you directly, but this is all I could find. I’m wanting to find a ship to be the IT guy on (I’m qualified. Turned down an position almost 10 years ago..I’m ready now). It’s my understanding that is a low ranking officer position, but no idea what cruise line or ship to try for? Any advice would be appreciated.


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